We’d love for you to get involved at St. John’s! The best way to begin is to let Rev. Lucia know that you’d like to be included in our email list, because new opportunities are sent by email all the time. Here are some other ways you can get involved:
Do you sing or play a musical instrument?
We’d love for you to sing in the choir (or solo) or play at our worship services. Please contact Sharon Kosloski.
Do you knit or crochet?
We’d love for you to take part in making prayer shawls, lapghans, prayer squares, toques, and scarves. We give them to people who are injured, sick, grieving, and going through tough times. The toques and scarves we send to seafarers who are far from home. Please contact Eliana Wheeler.
Do you read in public?
We’d love for you to take part as one of the people who reads the scriptures and the prayers in our Sunday worship service. Please contact Rev. Lucia Lloyd.
Do you like feeding the hungry?
We’d love for you to join the Christmas hamper team, which provides local families with a turkey and all the fixings for a festive meal at Christmas plus food to last through winter break. Please contact Jen Ball.
Do you like flowers and setting tables?
We’d love for you to be part of the Chancel Guild, who take turns picking out some flowers from Metro to put in the vases in the sanctuary and setting the table for communion on the altar. Please contact Mary Tillcock.
Do you like computers?
We’d love for you to take turns serving as our zoom host for our Sunday services on zoom, or to take turns as our projectionist projecting slides onto the screen for our live-stream worship and in-person worship. We’d love for you to help on our communications team with other tech-related tasks too. Please contact Rob Benz.
Do you like videotaping?
We’d love for you to take turns videotaping for our Sunday morning live-streamed service. Please contact Gregory Jourard.
Do you like welcoming migrant workers?
We’d love for you to participate in the dinners and fiestas we host for our local migrant workers. The next one is scheduled for Sept 14th. We’d also love for you to participate in donating food and other supplies to the migrant workers during the summer. Please contact Williette Gardner.
Do you like volunteering with children and youth?
We’d love for you to help with our children and youth activities. Please contact Cathie McCabe.
Do you like learning?
We have a variety of studies, discussion groups, and educational series on different topics: Biblical, theological, sacramental, ecological, social, racial, Indigenous-related, spiritual. To see what is currently being offered, please contact Rev. Lucia Lloyd.
Do you like welcoming people to church?
We’d love for you to help as a sides-person with welcoming people to the worship service, guiding people to come forward for communion, collecting the offering, and other tasks. Please contact Rev. Lucia.
Do you like making coffee or muffins? Do you like setting up tables and chairs?
We’d be glad for you to volunteer to bring muffins for coffee hour, or make coffee, or set up tables and chairs. Please contact Rev. Lucia.
Do you like gardening, landscaping, or other outdoor tasks?
We’d love for you to help with our flower gardens, vegetable gardens, and outdoor beautification. Please contact Williette Gardner.
Is there something else you like?
We’d love for you to let Rev. Lucia know. There are plenty of other ways for folks to find their niche here at St. John’s, and we’re delighted to hear your ideas for new programs too!