You and your pets are invited to the 6th Annual Blessing of the Animals at St. John’s.  It will be on Friday October 4th, the Feast Day of St. Francis, at 7:00 p.m. in the church.  We will thank God for animals and all creation, and each animal will receive an individual blessing.  Feel free to forward this invitation to any animal lovers you know. 

We are now posting our church newsletters on the parish website!  Thanks to Rob Benz for setting that up.  If you go to the parish website, click on “About Us” and on “Newsletters” you will see them.  We hope it will be a good way for people who are looking online for a church to get a better sense of who we are and what we do, as well as being a resource for our current members to find information about upcoming events.

          **Sunday September 22 2024 following the 10:30 service.**
Learn about all the opportunities to serve at St. John’s. 
See the slide presentation. 
Meet some new Parishioners. 
Eat some good food. 
Please bring a LARGE, family size SALAD or DESSERT of your choice and we will supply the rest. 
We will switch from our summer schedule to our full church schedule starting this Sunday, September 8th.
The 8:00 Sunday service with the Book of Common Prayer resumes. 
The 10:30 Sunday service moves back into the sanctuary. 
The children’s program at the 10:30 service resumes. 
If you’ve been away this summer, it’s a great time to return to church!
Grace and peace,

Bishop Andrew’s visit Sun Jun 23 10:30

Baptism of Ian and Grace Curtis and Chimanda and Chidubem Ezefibe

Confirmation of Hayden Connolly

will take place at this service.

There will be a reception in the parish hall after the service, with sandwiches, fruit, and cake for everyone.

The zoom service will be held at 10:30 this day, and we will not have the 8:00 service this day.  We encourage everyone to attend to welcome  Ian, Grace, Chimanda, Chidubem, and Hayden.

The garden crew (Cathie and Phyllis) are requesting help in our gardens, especially over the next few weeks as we prepare for Bishop Andrew’s visit on June 23rd.

Our corner garden has become overgrown and needs some TLC. As well, the other gardens around our church require some attention.

The gardeners meet on Friday mornings from 9:00 – 10:00am. Please bring your own gardening tools. In July and August when the weather is hotter, they meet from 8:00 – 9:00am.

Please JOIN US Easter Sunday morning at 9 AM in St. John’s Parish Hall for our EASTER POTLUCK BREAKFAST. 
BRING a friend or neighbour and a family sized serving of anything you like to have for breakfast yourself. (muffins, cheese, fruit, yogurt, anything)

SIGN UP in the foyer at church or email Sharon Kosloski. 

Come anyway whether or not you’ve signed up and whether or not you’ve brought food: there is always plenty to go around.

We’ll have the coffee ready and a place set for you. See you there!


 Every one of us in Durham region enjoys local fruit and vegetables every summer!  But that would not be the case if we didn’t have many migrant workers who come to Canada to help out on our farms.  

The church season of Lent is a time of year when we focus especially on the needs of others.  So our Lenten project again this year is to support the Migrant Worker ministry of the Anglican Church in our Durham area through our diocesan FaithWorks program.  The Reverend Augusto Nunez, the incumbent of St. Saviour’s, Orono, works hard to support the workers who come mostly from Mexico and Jamaica to work on our farms.  

Our St. John’s goal this year is to raise $2000 towards this ministry.  Look for the special table and poster in the church.  

You can donate cash or a cheque at church

or through e-transfer the “donate now” button on the church website 

or by e-transfer to the office at St. Johns Bowmanville

Please make all donations to “St. John’s” and mark donations “FaithWorks” or “migrant worker ministry”.  

With your help we can reach our goal – and enjoy our local fruits and vegetables – knowing that we are helping those who work on our farms!

We are delighted to announce that Bishop Andrew will be visiting St. John’s on Sunday, June 23rd and will be preaching and presiding at our 10:30 worship service that day!
We will have an Inquirers Class as preparation for anyone who is 13 years old or older and is interested in being Confirmed when Bishop Andrew is here.  
The Inquirers Class is also the preparation for anyone who is interested in baptism for yourself or for your child.  
In addition, we are delighted to have anyone attend the Inquirers Class who is interested in learning about why we worship, what the meaning of our worship is, and how our worship can enrich our faith more deeply.  It is a great opportunity for new folks and long-term folks to get to know each other and explore our faith together.
The classes will be in-person after the church service (with a few minutes in between for coffee and a snack at coffee hour).
Eight Elements of Worship
The way we worship shapes the way we believe and vice versa.  This class is part of “faith seeking understanding” as we learn how and why we worship God, as well as how and why we love our neighbours.  
The class will have plenty of opportunity for group discussion and questions and your own sharing.
 In each class, we will learn more about one of the eight elements of our Sunday worship service. 
Apr 14 Session One: Praise and Music
Apr 21 Session Two: Scripture and Sermon
Apr 28 Session Three: Creeds and Baptismal Covenant
May 5 Session Four: Prayers
May 12 Session Five: Confession and Absolution
May 19 Session Six: Peace and Offering
May 26 Session Seven: Holy Communion
Jun 9 Session Eight: Blessing and Sending Forth