I am delighted to announce that next Sunday, September 11th is the start of some new things and a return to some previous things.
- Our 10:30 worship service will move from the parish hall back to our sanctuary
- Our Sunday children & youth program will return. During the opening hymn, the children and youth will follow Cathie McCabe and the other teachers to the Great Hall for their program, and they will return to the sanctuary after the sermon.
- The 8:00 service will resume, using the Book of Common Prayer, in addition to the 10:30 service from the Book of Alternative Services
- We will celebrate the baptism of Liam Runhart, who is the grandson of Karen Linka’s uncle James Carr, on September 11 at the 10:30 service.
We are so glad to see people coming back to church again after their summer travels, and we look forward to seeing you next Sunday!
Grace and peace,