We have new Summer Signs and painted stones outside our church, created by our children and youth.
I recommend that you drive or walk by the church to see our signs in person. To our Bowmanville community, they present words that describe the character of God and the blessings that he gives us.
Our signs say ~ Extravagant Love : Amazing Grace
I hope these signs will give encouragement to you, as well as to passersby to our church.
I want to thank the people who helped create our Summer Signs:
- Julia and Chelsea Smith who painted the beautiful backgrounds of the signs
- Patty Kingsley who added her special artistic touches
- Greg Thomas, who prepared the sign boards + cross, and installed the signs
I also want to thank our church families and members of our children’s and youth program who have painted the colourful stones in our gardens. Make sure to look at these when you come by to see our signs.
May God continue to be your hope and inspiration.
Cathie McCabe